Friday, July 1, 2011

The Debt of Love: Ch 19

Ch 19

They boarded the plane as they silently said goodbye to the place where they shared their many moments. And for once were honest to each other. Funny how even though Ron’s words of honesty made her cry, it also made her fall even deeper for him. An endless well…each day she continues to fall deeper and deeper…so deep that she can’t seem to get herself out.

On their way home the both of them fell asleep…what did they dream of? What did they think about?


Old lady: Look at that boy arguing with that girl

Old Man: Reminds me of us…a long time ago

Old Lady: I remember those good old bickering days

Old Man smiled: I do too…but now I can’t do that without losing my breath

Old Lady giggled: You poor thing…remember that time at the university?

Old Man: Which one? When you bumped into me?

Old Lady: You bumped into me!

Old Man sighed: Here we go again…

The two of them laughed simultaneously as they watched the boy and girl walk away as the sun began to set.


A wonderful and sincere smile had crept onto Leila’s flawless face as the image of the old man and woman became more and more clear and she can tell that she was the old woman and as for the old man was the man who was sitting right next to her. She opened her eyes and noticed him still sleeping…she slowly placed her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes and continued sleeping.

Ron woke up to see a sleeping Leila on his shoulder…she looked like an angel…an angel that has been tainted by all the struggles that she had to face. He pitied her…but what he was afraid of was that that pity he has for her…is slowly changing to a different feeling…a feeling that he feels with Linda…that feeling was love. He knew that he shouldn’t have but he did. There was no way he could stop himself from slowly liking her…especially all of those times spent with her…the many nights where he would hear her cry. His heart was not made of ice…but if it was… he was pretty sure she had melted it. He now feared the fact that the more time he spent with her the more he would like her…he feared that he might one day hurt her for he knew his heart belongs to the one and only Linda.

He once again looked at her and sighed…not knowing what he should do or say for she was asleep…he gently kissed her on the forehead and closed his eyes.

She felt his lips against her forehead and smiled. She just felt loved…she felt as if all her troubles had faded away…and that she was now the happiest woman alive. But what she felt wasn’t necessarily how it truly is…and she knew that.

Many hours later the plane landed and they were back.

They came off the plane and into the airport where Ron saw a familiar face waiting for them. He smiled at the sight of her…he just knew that there was only one thing he should do…He quickly walked up to her leaving Leila behind…wrapped his arms around her waist as he closed her eyes and embraced her. A sensation fell upon his body as he did so. It just showed how much he missed her, how much he wanted her near and how much he wanted to be with her…forever.

Seeing this from a far, brought tears to Leila’s eyes. She wasn’t sad because she had to see the one she love embrace someone else but she was happy…happy at the fact that he never had a change of heart. He was still devoted into loving Linda…She slowly walked over to them as Ron was slowly letting go of Linda.

Leila: The happy couple reunited…isn’t that cute?

Linda giggled: Of course…

Leila: So where are we heading to now?

Linda: Well…I asked your brother to meet us at a little cafĂ© about a thirty minute drive from here…

Leila: Really?

Linda: I told you that I’ll arrange for you two to see each other…

Leila took a hold of Linda’s hands: Thank you so much…

Ron: And to think this is the first time you two are meeting…unbelievable!

Leila: women can easily be friends…because we don’t mind showing how we feel

Linda: Exactly…but if you were to do that to some guy…we’d think you’re gay

Ron: I’ve learned to never say anything to offend women…(sigh)

Both Leila and Linda giggled at Ron’s facial expression…for he pouted and walked off leaving the two lovely ladies behind him. He turned, smiled at them and continued walking.

Linda: So what did you two do in Venice?

Leila: Shop, eat, sleep, the usual

Linda: Oh…Leila…before meeting your brother…you need to know something…

Leila: What is it?

Linda smiled: You’re an auntie

Leila: I am?

Linda: Yup! Well…actually you’re going to become an auntie…your brother told me that his girlfriend is expecting…

Leila: But I thought your organization didn’t allow…

Linda: Oh…but he’s in a different department…the rules and regulations change according to departments…like Ron for example…he’s not able to love, get married and such…

Leila: So what are you going to do?

Linda: What do you mean?

Leila: You two…

Linda: Well…we had plans…he might resign in the future…and so…we’ll think of starting a family when the time comes…

Leila: Oh…

Linda: But I can tell that you like him…love him actually…and very much…

Leila: But like I said before…he only loves you…

Linda: Things may change over time…and it doesn’t matter to me who he loves…just as long as he’ll be there for me when I need him most…I just want him to be happy…even though I love him…if he starts to love you then that’s fine with me…

Leila: I doubt that would ever happen…even if he starts to love me…you’ll always have the bigger half of his heart…

Linda smiled: I have a feeling we might have to split it 50/50…

The two of them simultaneously laughed which caught the attention of Ron who turned around and gave the two of them a very puzzled look…

Leila: I thought we were suppose to act like bitches towards each other for loving the same man…

Linda: I guess we’re too good to act like bitches…and so we’d rather be friends…

Leila smiled: I’d love to be friends with you…

Linda smiled: I guess we’re friends

The two of them finally caught up to Ron as they hooked onto his arms and continued walking…startled by their action…Ron smiled and continued walking.

They finally got to the parking lot where Linda had parked Ron’s car and he drove off as the two ladies sat in the back and were talking like they were the best of friends.

Ron suddenly stopped the car and got out, opened the door for the two ladies and smiled.

Ron: We’re here…

Linda: Yes we are…oh Leila…look that’s your brother…(pointing to the window where a man was sitting inside)

Leila smiled: He hasn’t changed much…

The three of them walked in and walked towards the table where Kenneth sat…

Kenneth looked up: Leila?

Leila: Kenneth!

She immediately hugged her brother at once as tears streamed down her face…

Ron whispering to Linda: I think we should leave them alone

Linda nodded and the two of them walked out and strolled down to the beach.

Ron: I missed you…

Linda: I missed you too…

As Linda was looking out to the sea Ron from behind slowly wrapped his arms around her waist.

Ron: I want to hold you like this forever…


Reading my fanfic again I realized that I can differentiate between the time when I was having writers' block and when I was fully ignited to write the fanfic because the pace changes quite a bit. I hope you're not bored and you're anticipating the closer to this fanfic, which is only a few chapters away.

Randomness...OUT!! (Have a nice weekend!)

1 comment:

  1. The funny thing en cute in this story is dreams of Ron and Leila, they think they're growing old together.
    So sad for Leila to watch Linda and Ron together.
