Thursday, July 7, 2011

The Debt of Love: Finale


Damian smiled: Don’t call me you…call me uncle…sounds closer…

Ron: Shut the F*CK UP! And get to the point

Damian shook his head: Such a disrespectful young man…but I like you…

Ron: Tell me what you want…

Damian: All I want is for you to work for me…simple as that

Ron: Then you’ll let them go?

Damian: Well not exactly…if you work for me…I’ll kill one of them…if you don’t work for me I’ll kill both of them…the choice is yours

Ron: What type of deal is that?

Damian: A very good deal that you will agree to or else both of them will die in front of your face…then after they die I’ll blame both of their deaths on you…and then ruin the name of the organization forever!

Ron: Why are you doing this? What has the organization done to you?

Damian: What has it done? It has done everything to me…it made me lose everything I ever had…your mother…your mother was suppose to be mine! But no…your father had to take her away from me…the organization was suppose to be mine…but no…your father had kicked me out before I even had the chance

Ron: That was because you did all of these bad things and killed so many innocent lives…you framed others for your actions…you deserved to be kicked out of the organization…for all I care you deserve to go to hell and burn there…

Damian laughed in ridicule: I killed them? Framed them? They all deserved what they got…everyone knows for a fact that they deserved to die…did they not do anything wrong…of course they did. That was to NOT cooperate with me in the first place…if they took my offer they would’ve been alive! Those people should go to hell for not taking the money I offered to them…so they deserved it all!

Ron: They deserved to die cause they’re not greedy like you?

Damian: Shut up already…I don’t like talking to people who talk back…so make your decision before I kill them

Ron looked to Linda and Leila who were on the ground he couldn’t chose between them and plus he didn’t want to work for this guy…but he knew that if he didn’t chose…they would both die…what was he suppose to do?

Damian: Chose already…I don’t have patience for this type of stuff…

Ron: Can’t you let them go?

Damian shook his head: There are only two options…work for me and one of them survive or don’t work for me and I kill them both…

Ron didn’t know what he was suppose to do…Linda is his best friend in the entire world and he loves her just so deeply…but Leila on the other hand…he had gotten her into this mess…he was the one responsible for making her betray Damian and putting her into this situation…did he love her? Maybe…but he wasn’t sure…he needed more time to think…more time for him to understand his true feelings…but he didn’t have the time he needed…didn’t have much to do or say…he couldn’t handle this situation and only hoped that his dad had understood the message he left for him…


Ron: Wait…let me think…

Damian: Fine…I’ll be nice…on one condition…you call me uncle Damian

Ron: U…Uncle Damian…

Damian smiled: That’s my boy…

Ron decided to sit down on the floor and think…

Ron just came back from his mission with a bright smile on his face…he went to look for his best friend to tell her the great news. He got on his convertible and started to drive to the hospital where she was working at. As he was driving there he noticed that a car had been following him…and since it was already 10:00 p.m. the streets were pretty empty and that car was making it quite obvious. Whenever Ron had changed lanes it would do the same. But Ron couldn’t figure out who it was until he heard a gun shot and the bullet just barely skimmed his convertible. He sped up and got into the parking lot of the hospital…he saw his best friend who was standing there waiting for him and he immediately got out to tell her.
Ron: We have to get out of here…I think someone’s after me and I don’t want you to get hurt.
Linda: It’s ok Ron…
Ron: Come on…before you get hurt
Linda: I don’t think they would do anything if we were inside…
Ron: ok…but I’ll give my dad a call first
Ron called his dad and told him about the situation…his dad told him that he’ll send back up and the both of them will be safe.
The two of them went in…and were soon followed by two men…
Ron quickly turned around and immediately noticed that one of the men was his mission’s boyfriend…who was probably here to seek revenge for her…since Ron not only played with her heart…but also caused their company to become bankrupt.
Ron’s best friend quickly pulled him into the janitor’s closet to hide…
Ron: Are you ok? You look really frightened…
Linda: I’ll be all right…as long as you’re here…
Ron smiled at her and made all her worries go away…
The two men who were now roaming the hospital were threatening the many nurses and doctors as well as patients in the facility searching for Ron.
Ron: Maybe I should go out there…I don’t want innocent people to die because of me…
Linda: But I don’t want you to die…
Ron looked intently at her…he too knew that she had fallen in love with him through the years they spent together…and he too felt the same…he leaned in and kissed her passionately…their kiss continued as the many gunshots were fired and the many patients screaming. Finally Ron broke off the kiss and looked at her.
Ron: No matter what happens…I want you to know…I owe you…maybe in our next life I’ll be able to pay you back…
Linda: Ron…
Ron: Ya…
Linda: I love you…
Ron: I love you too…
Ron came out of the janitor’s closet…and was ready for battle…luckily the police arrived on time and he only had a bullet through his shoulder…nothing that his best friend couldn’t handle.
~End of flashback~
Until this day he felt the same way he did for Linda as he did a year ago…

Finally they both woke up and were looking into each other’s eyes Ron could see that Leila had cried but he didn’t know what to do. He just stared at her…until he decided to say something…
Ron: Leila…I
Before Ron could even say what he wanted to Leila had already placed her lips on his and they began to kiss…she didn’t know why she did it…but it felt right…
Finally they parted from the kiss…
Ron: Leila…what I told you last night…every single word of it is the truth…you might think that I’m doing this to help the organization bring down Father…or whatever…but I wouldn’t lie to you…
Leila: And why wouldn’t you?
Ron: Because…because there’s a part of me…that loves you…
Even though she knew that it was not the truth…she smiled…for she loved him…
Leila: You do?
Ron smiled: I do…I know telling you all of this is really hard on you…but…I don’t want you to continue to work for the man that destroyed your family. I’m not asking that you join the organization…or spy on Father…I’m just asking for one thing…and that’s your trust. I know that if you believe me…we could get through everything together…
Leila: I believe you Ron…I believe you because I love you…and I’m willing to do anything to avenge my family…
Ron wrapped his arms around her: Thank you…

Damian: So…did you decide?

Ron shook his head: Can I speak to them? Please uncle?

Damian: Ah…you’re a smart little fellow…know that I’m a softy for people who call me uncle…all right…I’ll give you 10 minutes…after that I want my answer…

Ron walked over to the two of them and took off the duct tape from their mouths…

Linda/Leila: Just let him kill me!

Ron: Shhh…not so loud…

Linda: Ron…just let him kill me…as long as I know that deep down in your heart I have a place there…that’s all that matters to me…

Ron: I can’t do that…Linda…you know that I love you and it would hurt me so much to see you die…

Leila: Let him kill me…Ron…I knew from the beginning that you never loved me…I was a fool for falling in love with you in the first place…I deserve to die…

Ron: No Leila…you don’t deserve any of the things that happened to you…I played you like a fool…and how can you be so sure that I don’t love you…maybe I do…I don’t know…I don’t know what I should do…

Leila: Ron…just let me die…there’s nothing here that makes me want to live…nothing…I was stupid enough to fall for you and your sweet yet shallow words…

Ron: Leila…at first I did play around with your feelings…but as we spent more time together…I realized that there is a part of that started to love you too…

Leila: Is it love or pity Ron? We both know…

Ron: But I don’t want you to die…I don’t want to see you hurt…I don’t want to see the tears you cry…because it hurts me…I don’t know why…but it does…and the only logical and illogical explanation for it is…I love you…

A tear trickled down Leila’s face

Leila: That’s all I need to hear Ron…and I know you really did mean it…I’m happy…and now if I die…I wouldn’t regret anything because I found you…

Ron: No…I can’t let either of you die…

Linda: Ron…listen to me…no matter what decision you make…I just want you to know…that…we had our moments…we had our kisses…our walks on the beach… watched the sun rise and set…we traveled…we’ve been through life and death situations…and everything else…maybe…it’s time that I leave this world for you to share those times with someone else…

Ron: No Linda…I don’t want you to sacrifice yourself…I love you…I really truly do…I always had and always will…and no matter what happens I want you to promise me you’ll keep on smiling…both of you…I want you to know that you’re the only two people that ever made Ron Ng’s heart skip a beat…the only two people that I ever wished I was able to spend more time with…and I owe you both my heart and soul forever…I think I know what to do…promise me to keep on smiling…

Ron walked away from the two of them as they began to cry…

Ron: Uncle…if you don’t mind…I’d like to do the honors of ending one of their lives…

Damian: Killing the one you love is a tough job…but I see that you’re cold and selfish as I am…I’m starting to really like you Ron…here’s the gun…

Damian handed Ron the gun and he walked over to where Linda and Leila were…

Ron looked at them and smiled: Don’t cry…I love you both…and I always will…I owe you just too much…and this is the only way out…my dad should be coming soon…so…this must be the most selfish thing I’ve ever done…but I can’t bare to see either of you cry or be in pain…

Ron raised the gun…and….


He lied there unconscious as the two girls bursts into tears…they loved him…and wanted to be with him…but now they couldn’t.

The door of the abandoned warehouse swung open as the people from the organization came in and took care of Damian and his minions…

Sek Sau immediately ran to where his son’s body was…he looked at his son and a tear ran down his cheek…he didn’t know what to say…what to do…he had expected his son to come out of this mission alive, well…and even planned on allowing him to marry Linda…but all of that has become the dust of the past…for now Ron was lying there unconscious and his future was yet to be known...



I bet you didn't expect this type of ending...or maybe you did...I wouldn't know. But anyways, I hope you did enjoy this fanfic and if you are a RonLei fan...which I can only assume, please remember to vote on the poll on the other blog. The reason why I have that poll up is because I have two stories in mind at the moment, one with Leila, the other with Myolie...two very different plot lines and 'characters'...but...both fanfics are quite humourous, at least I find it to be funny (unless I lack a sense of humor, which I hope I don't)

Ok...enough of my rambling. Please leave a comment on how you feel about this finale...and I guess in a way it's an open ending...which is the type of ending I'm going to have for A Truthful Lie.


Fun Fact: When I started A Truthful Lie...I wanted to kill Ron off to end the fanfic...but I have a change of heart...because "death is not the answer" lol

1 comment:

  1. Oh an open ending, I don't like open ending but I think it's the best way to end this fanfic. Ron really loves both Leila and Linda.
    Thank you for reposting this fanfic and I'm looking forward to read Seven day and the ending of The Truthful lie and your other fanfics
