Monday, November 7, 2011

The Reason: Ch 12

Ch 12

Ron: I should be getting back; I can’t leave her waiting forever. I’ll see you two later. And Leila, do you want me to drive you home or is Raymond?

Leila: I don’t know yet. I’ll call you or knock on your door to tell you.

Ron: Ok then. I’ll see you later. Bye.

Ron walked away and down the hall towards his office. On his way he met up with Tavia.

Ron: Hey.

Tavia: O hi. (She started to have that feeling of butterflies in her stomach just talking to him)

Ron: Busy day so far.

Tavia: Ya. Ummm…

Ron: what?

Tavia: I was just wondering if you’re planning to go back to the community center this Saturday?

Ron: Of course! Are you?

Tavia: Ya. Well…

Ron: How about I come and pick you up then?

Tavia: That would be great. Thanks.

Ron: I told you car-pooling is the way of the future.

Tavia smiled: I should be going downstairs now; I’ll see you later?

Ron: Sure.

As she left he walked towards the large window near his office and stared outside. Here he was able to see the patients and their families together laughing and smiling. He wanted a family of his own. He wanted to have lots of kids and when he would come home from work he could smell the wonderful smell of the food that his wife made. But in this lifetime his dream might never be fulfilled.

Ron’s thoughts

It’s kind of funny when I think about these things like having a family when I know that I would never be able to provide my loved one with that care and time. After my parents left, the only people who I could ever call as my true friends and maybe even family would be Raymond, Bosco, Kevin and of course Leila. Sometimes I wonder if Leila and I weren’t such great friends, if I would’ve asked her out. I still remember the first time I saw her in her prom dress, all dressed up and looking like an angel walking down those stairs. I thought I was being nice asking her out. But truth be told, I was lucky that an angel like her would agree to go with me. It’s funny how things are. In one hand she’s like my best friend ever, I might even be closer to her than Raymond. On the other hand I think I’m beginning to like her. But I can’t cause I don’t want to ruin our special friendship. I’ll probably find the right person for me soon…

Linda noticed that Ron was standing there for a while now and came out. She tapped him on the shoulder and he quickly turned around.

Linda: What are you looking at?

Ron: This (He points out the window to the little children playing)

Linda: They’re so cute.

Ron: Ya.

Linda: Reminds me of my brother and I when we were younger.

Ron: I never heard you speak of your family before.

Linda: Well, my parents immigrated to the U.S. a couple of years ago. So I’m just living with my brother.

Ron: Oh. So, why did you want to go into medicine in the first place? You know it’s a lot of work.

Linda: It’s exciting.

Ron: But you have to work those late nights and long hours aren’t you afraid your boyfriend would be jealous?

Linda: Boyfriend? Who said I have a boyfriend?

Ron: Well, I was just asking. Why wouldn’t you have a boyfriend? You’re smart, talented and pretty.

Linda slightly blushed at his compliment: Well, that doesn’t mean that I would have a boyfriend.

Ron: I guess. I need to tell you something. Let’s go into my office.

Linda: Sure.

They walked into Ron’s office and sat down.

Ron: When’s your evaluation and exam?

Linda: It’s in a couple of months. Why?

Ron: Well, are you ready?

Linda: I guess.

Ron: You got to be confident. If you don’t believe in yourself how can your patients.

Linda: I guess. Is that all you wanted to talk to me about?

Ron: Well, seeing how you’re working and all I think you would do fine. But that’s not the only reason. If you don’t already know every year our hospital has this charity ball kind of thing and I was wondering if you would like to go with me?

Linda: You’re asking me out?

Ron: I guess you could put it that way if you want. But I just wanted you to see and meet other doctors and get to know people.

Linda: I’d love to go unless you’re just using me to get everyone else jealous.

Ron: Why would you say that?

Linda: Don’t act stupid, a blind person can tell that there are a lot of people in this hospital who likes you.

Ron: You’re very observant.

Linda: Thank you. But don’t change the topic.

Ron: Cut me some slack here already. Usually I would go with Leila but seeing you’re new here I thought I would be nice asking you.

Linda: hmmm…I guess I’ll believe you. But why so secretive?

Ron: Cause rumors in this hospital can spread quicker than SARS and can last much, much longer than it.

Linda started laughing: Ok then.

Ron: It’s already four. Time flies eh?

Linda smiled: Well, I better get going.

Ron: Don’t you need a ride?

Linda: Not today. I drove.

Ron: Independent woman now are we?

Linda grabbed her bag and headed towards the door.

Linda: Of course! She smiled at him, opened the door and left.

Ron sat in his chair spinning around like a little kid. Leila slowly walked in and just stood there looking at him. He didn’t seem to notice her presence since he was just too busy enjoying himself in that chair. Finally he noticed her.

Ron: What’s with the silent footsteps?

Leila: It wasn’t silent. It was just that you were too busy spinning around.

Ron: Well, I was waiting for that call or that knock on my door like someone promised.

Leila: I was going to knock but I didn’t want to disturb you. (She giggled)

Ron: So who’s going to drive you?

Leila: Seems to me my brother already left so I guess you’re the lucky one.

Ron: Why am I always so lucky? (He asked sarcastically)

Leila: Well are you going to leave now? Or are you going to continue to spin in circles?

Ron: Would you like to join me?

Leila walked over to him as he tried to move over to make room for her.

Leila: There isn’t enough room.

Ron: Might as well sit on my lap like when we were little.

Leila: Ok.

She got on his lap…as Ron started to spin the chair around faster and faster Ron wrapped his arms around her afraid that she would fall. As they were spinning Raymond popped in to see what was going on when he saw his little sister and his best friend acting like little children he gave a little grin and walked away.


I hope you enjoyed the update.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, thanks for your post
    RonLei're so cuteeeeeeeeeee. THey just like a couple but still deny it
