Wednesday, September 28, 2011

An Overdue Explanation and Apology

Hi there,

It's been a while since my last 'actual' update and I think I should explain myself. As we all know, I'm in university and in my fourth year to be exact. I have lots of reading and projects to work on/handle. With that being said, I know it isn't exactly a sufficient reason for my absence/ lack of updates. The real reason is because I've slowly lost interest in TVB and dramas as a whole so sometimes, I just don't feel like it. With that being said, there are still moments when I have such great inspiration to write a new chapter for my fanfics or for a brand new fanfic which will be appearing soon on my other blog. When I say soon...I actually mean after A Truthful Lie has ended and Take 2 is also completed...or something along those lines.

On a personal note, a lot of things have been going on in my personal life that puts me in an almost depressing mood. Let's just say that it's been hard for me to face the fact that I have to watch those around me deteriorate health wise, and slowly leave me...and i might sound childish and selfish, but I really hope my grandparents can stick around long enough to watch me graduate and actually grow up...I've already lost my maternal grandmother at 14, I don't want to have to witness that again until I've fully grown up...but life sucks's been hard. Even though they're around today, but I'm just always scared that one day they'll leave and,I won't be able to see them ever again...

Sorry for my little personal rant thing there...I just really needed to spill it out...

Thanks for reading,


PS reposts will be up Friday, Sunday and the coming Tuesday.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Sorry for your lost. I know how it feels to lost someone close to you.
    And you don't have to apologize, just update when you have time. I realy appreciate that you're still continue writing and repost your fanfic for us to read :).
