Monday, May 30, 2011

The Christmas Gift: Ch 3

Ron smiled: Of course I’d accept the invitation...

Leila: If that’s the case, I’ll mail off the invitation to you...

She stood up and reached out her hand, as Ron stood up to shake her hand in return

Leila: I look forward to seeing you again

Ron smiled: As do I

Leila: Well...I guess you can go now

Ron: Thanks...

As he walked out of the conference room he saw Linda walking towards him...he didn’t seem to know how to react other than continue walking...she smiled at him as we walked past her, and he smiled back to not make the situation look very awkward...

He walked towards the elevator, waved goodbye to Shirley and got inside.

Meanwhile, Linda had come up down to the 15th floor not to see Ron...but to see her old friend...

Linda: Leila!

Leila looked at her: Now you come and see me? I see how important I am in your eyes...

Linda giggled: It’s not like that...I’ve been busy...

Leila: Sure...

Leila walked into her office followed by Linda, who took a seat on the couch in Leila’s office.

Linda:’s my good friend doing?

Leila: Well...if you noticed...I just hired that extremely good looking guy as one of our designers

A radiant smile appeared on Linda’s face when Leila had told her that she had just hired Ron...she knew that he would’ve been very ecstatic...but wouldn’t display that on his face for the world to see...

Leila: You look even happier than he did

Linda: Do I?

Leila: Something tells me the two of you know each other...wait...he also studied in Italy...

Linda smiled: Oh?

Leila: Stop trying to hide it...(she gasped) Is he...your boyfriend?

Linda smiled: We used to date...when we were still in Italy...

Leila: What happened?

Linda: When we came back...he overheard me talking to some people...and...

Leila: Oh...I get it...he’s one of those guys who would choose his pride and dignity over his girlfriend...such a typical guy...

Linda: No,’s not like that...we broke up because...he found out I was a rich girl...and he was afraid he wouldn’t be able to give me the life I’m used to...

Leila: But that’s stupid...

Linda:’s really my fault...for telling I wouldn’t be caught dead being with someone who can’t even afford a nice car...and other stuff like that...

Leila: Didn’t you try explaining it to him...

Linda: I did...I tried to apologize to him...but he ended up apologizing to me...for wasting my wasn’t a very pleasant break up and then...the worst part was out of nowhere Bosco came along and embraced me from behind...I really hope Ron didn’t see that...

Leila laughed: So you still love him...but Bosco is a great guy...good

Linda: Naive...immature...insensible...

Leila: You’re only saying that cause you already found the guy that you truly love...

Linda: But now...we’re like strangers...

Leila: Well...I have some good news for you...

Linda: You do?

Leila: He’ll be coming to the Christmas first I was planning on luring him underneath the mistletoe...but now since I found out that he’s can do that instead

Linda laughed: That sounds like a good plan...but Bosco is going to be there...

Leila: Oh...well...he’s such a flirt...leave him to me

Leila smiled ecstatically and hugged her friend.

~December 23rd ~

They say the holiday season brings people together, it is the time of year where the ‘good’ in human kind comes to play...but the reality is...what good is there in human beings. All acts done by people are must be motivated by something in order to do something. This is the drive to all acts, whether it is a criminal act or an act of good deed there is that particular drive. It could be simply for a compliment from a person or even for money, whatever the particular drive may is there to satisfy one’s needs.

Ron stood outside of the five star hotel that the ball was being held at and looked around as the snow continued to fall. The lights were gleaming in the dark of night as couples began to walk into the hotel. He stood there and watched, this was not his world, or rather not the world that he was in...This was different...this was...her world. Deep down he wanted to be in this world with her, by her side...but he knew that for something like that to would take time...for before he could join her in her world...he had to make a name for himself in this type of world.

He slowly approached the entrance of the hotel, brought his coat to the coat check and walked into the hall that the Christmas ball was being held was glamorous...

There were a few whispers from what looked like his future female colleagues when he walked in and felt someone tap his shoulder as he turned around.

Ron: Hi there...

Shirley: I was told you’d be here...and so...I think I’ll play my part and introduce you to the others in our department

Ron: Thanks...

He followed her over to a group of people who were standing around holding a glass of wine in their hands...

Shirley: This is Ron Ng...He’ll be joining our department beginning next year...

Ron reached out his hand to shake hands with his future he was doing so, Leila came walking towards the group.

Leila: Ah, so you’ve met...that’s good...Ron...can I have a word with you?

Ron: Sure thing

He followed Leila away as he heard a couple of whispers from the group that he left behind saying how Leila always takes the good stuff. He ended up walking out of the hall with Leila, and he realized that they were walking straight to where Linda was standing...

Leila: It’s not me who needs to have a word with you, but her (pointing to Linda)

Ron: What?

Linda approached them: Thanks Leila...I’m pretty sure he wouldn’t have come out to meet me if you didn’t bring him here...

Leila smiled: I’m just doing a friend a favour

Leila walked away leaving the two of them standing there

Ron: I really have nothing to say to you...

Linda: Then listen...

They walked over to the coat check, grabbed their coats and walked outside.

Linda: Ron...I love you...and I don’t care if you don’t have a lot of expensive cars or anything...I don’t care...

Ron looked at her; she looked dazzling under the moonlight, with the snow falling around them

Ron: But I care, I don’t want you to have to give up anything for isn’t able to make you full, it can’t buy you a life of luxury...

Linda: But I don’t need a life of luxury if I have you...beside me...

Ron: But I can’t let someone I love do something like that for me...

Linda: Ron...

Ron: it won’t work out...the world isn’t so perfect...I’m not your match...and so...I’d rather let you go now...than have you suffer in the future...

Linda: How do you know that I’ll suffer? Why do you treat me like I’m such a materialistic person? I know you still love’re wearing the tie I gave you...can’t you just give it a try...give us a try...again?

Ron didn’t know what to say and turned away from he did so he felt her arms wrap around him from behind...he placed his hands on hers...

Ron: I promise...we’ll be together...once I make a name for myself...when I know I can give you the life you should have...

Linda: The life I should a life with you...don’t you get it? I can lose everything I have...and besides...I’m not going to be a housewife...I’m a designer too...we’ll work hard together...

He turned around to face her...her face had reddened, her eyes had become watery...and he embraced her...

Ron: Right now...I can’t really accept’re two different people...

Linda: We’re two different people, who are completely in love with one another...

He looked at her, her tears started to fall...he carefully wiped them off her flawless cheeks, one by one and then gently kissed her on her forehead...

Ron: Just give me some time...ok? Please?

Linda: As long as we’re together...

Ron: Let’s...go inside...before you catch a cold...the clothes you’re wearing aren’t meant to keep you warm...

They walked towards one of the side doors to go back inside...

Linda: Ron...

Ron: what is it?

Linda smiled: We’re under the mistletoe...

Ron looked up: We are...I guess we should...

Before he could continue...he already felt her lips on he gently wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her back underneath the mistletoe...


Remember to comment. The last two chapters will be posted up tomorrow...and please leave a comment as to which fanfic you'd like to see up first...Seven Days or The Debt of Love.

Edit: Actually the last two chapters will be posted on Wednesday.


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